Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Blog Christening

I used to blog in a big way a few years ago, now I guess I'm back in the saddle again. What's prompting it currently is that I want to record my Europe holiday, and the gorgeous watercolour paper travel journal I bought before I left isn't seeing much use. I bought a pack of blank postcards with the intention of posting hand-drawn postcards, but it took me forever to finish drawing the first one, let alone write it. Do you think I've posted so much as one postcard? No way. If I'm conscious, I'm either nesting in a doona pretending that I'm not, or gallivanting about the country so that I'm too tired to do anything constructive when I get home.

Much as I absolutely adore things written in longhand, I know I'm more likely to blog than journal, and I'll have the opportunity to edit and condense. (Anyone who knows me knows that all my anecdotes lead nowhere in particular yet I find them amusing.) Once the holiday is all written up, expect this space to be filled with all matter of miscellany including but not limited to posts on: art/ craft projects, books, pop culture reflections, reviews (?), makeup, music, whatever happens to capture my attention. Watch this space for part one of my travel blogging- London (part 1)